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Senate Bill 9

Senate Bill 9

Notification Regarding Curriculum for students in the prevention of child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking.

Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) of the 87th Texas Legislative Session requires school districts to offer curriculum to students in the prevention of child abuse, family violence , dating violence, and sex trafficking. 

Marble Falls ISD, with guidance from the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC), has approved the curriculum that will be used to teach each of these topics and has determined the grade level(s) that will receive instruction on each of the topics.

Parents/guardians must provide consent before their child can receive instruction in the specified topics. Without opt-in consent, students will be unable to participate in the lesson(s).    

Parents/guardians have the right to preview the curriculum at any time and may request to review curriculum materials in advance of instruction by contacting the school counselor at each campus.  As the dates approach, parents/guardians will receive permission forms with additional information, including parent preview opportunities.

Adopted materials:

Prekindergarten, Three Year Olds

  • School counselor read aloud book “We Ask Permission”, by Lydia Bowers, with scripted lesson

  • School counselor read aloud book “We Can Say No”, by Lydia Bowers, with scripted lesson

Prekindergarten, Four Year Olds

  • School counselor read aloud book “We Ask Permission”, by Lydia Bowers, with scripted lesson

  • School counselor read aloud book “We Can Say No”, by Lydia Bowers, with scripted lesson

  • Play It Safe lesson for prekindergarten led by campus school counselor

Kindergarten - Grade 8 

  • Play It Safe
  • The curriculum in grades kindergarten thru grade 8 is provided by and facilitated through a community partner, Hill Country Children’s Advocacy Center. 

Grades 9-12

  • Not A Number
  • School counselors lead lessons with student groups