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School Health Advisory Council - SHAC

This page is currently being updated.  If you have any questions, please contact Yarda Leflet, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction, at or 830-798-3654.

Marble Falls ISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) assists the district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in health education instruction. Additionally, SHAC plays an important role in strengthening the connection between health and learning. SHAC also works to help parents and community stakeholders reinforce the knowledge and skills children need to stay healthy for a lifetime.

A majority of the members of SHAC must be parents of students enrolled in the District and who are not employed by the District. Also, one or more public school teachers, public school administrators, District students, health-care professionals, members of the business community, law enforcement representatives, senior citizens, clergy, representatives of nonprofit health organizations, or representatives of another group may serve. [See EHAA legal] by law, SHAC must meet at least four time annually.

SHAC meeting agendas are posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting date/time. Audio recordings and minutes from SHAC meetings will be posted to this page within 10 days of the meeting.

 If you are interested in serving on SHAC, please complete the following Google Form:



Marble Falls ISD SHAC Meetings

 2024-2025 School Year






Audio File



MFISD Community Room

1.22.25 Agenda





Previous Years