Meeting location is 1800 Colt Drive unless otherwise specified.
To access the most up to date list of meetings, additional information and all past archived meetings, please click on BoardBook Premier which will take you to the website containing this information.
Regular Meetings
Regular Meetings of the Board shall be held on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. When determined necessary and for the convenience of Trustees, the Board President may change the date or time of a regular meeting. The notice for that meeting shall reflect the changed date or time. The President of the Board shall call special meetings at the President's discretion or on request by two members of the Board.
Citizen Comments
Due to law and policy, the Board is only able discuss items on the posted agenda during the Board meeting. Because of these rules, this is what you can expect this evening by way of response to comments made by the public:
For more information, please contact Julie Shaffer by phone at 830-693-4357 or by email to .