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Department of Special Services

IDEA * 504 * Dyslexia * Social Emotional Learning * Behavioral Intervention

The Marble Falls Independent School District continues to strive to meet the needs of all children and provides support through special services to students who demonstrate an educational need. The mission of the Special Services department is to provide qualified teachers in every classroom and appropriate instruction to ensure that all students learn at high levels. The Special Services department provides support to a wide variety of programs through a diverse individualized continuum of care.  

SPEDTex Link


The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.

Contact information:


Supplemental Special Education Services

Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES) are $1,500 one-time online grants for eligible parents/caregivers of eligible students served by special education that have been impacted by COVID-19 school closures. Families of eligible students can use the online accounts to obtain educational materials and resources and/or services such as additional speech therapy or other specific services. Learn more in this video shared by Texas Education Agency.



Dr. Shana Bunch-Fancher

Executive Director of Special Services

LeeAnn Harkins

Special Services Coordinator

Linda Tellez

Administrative Assistant

Amy Hoffmans

Administrative Assistant (Student Records and Child Find )

Mindy Cox

District Behavior Specialist

Christina DeLoach

SEL Coordinator


Lindsey Crain

Lead ARD Facilitator

Marble Falls Middle School

Erika Musick Griffin

ARD Facilitator

Marble Falls High School

Heidi Baker

ARD Facilitator

Colt Elementary School

Spicewood Elementary School

Tina Van Gundy Sowell

ARD Facilitator

Marble Falls Elementary School

Highland Lakes Elementary School


Office: 830-798-3516                             Fax: 1-830-215-4961

Embrace Tech Ticket

Access to and Destruction of Records

The special education department observes federal and state laws, state regulations and local policies pertaining to the confidentiality of student records. Parents (or an eligible student 18 years or older) may inspect and review records at any time. School officials with a legitimate educational interest have access to student records. The parents of a student with a disability must give written consent before a student's records can be seen by someone not involved in the student's education.

If the student transfers to another school district, special education records will be sent to the receiving district without parental consent. Special education eligibility and educational records are maintained for seven (7) years following the date of the last recorded action for each student served by the Special Education Department of Marble Falls ISD. At the end of seven years, the records may be destroyed. During the ARD process, the parent/guardian/adult student has been informed that the District shall retain education records of students with disabilities for seven years after the student's graduation or dismissal from special education.

Records with personally identifiable information are located on the campus of the school which the student attends and the Special Education Services office at 1800 Colt Circle, Marble Falls, TX 78654. You may call 830-693-4357 and ask for Special Services with any questions concerning records.